Vedic Astrology Center

Predictions, Protections, & remedies

Accurate, Trusted and Professional Predictions

With Your Astrologer

Rupak Ghosh



Vedic astrology is a traditional system of astrology rooted in ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas. It is based on the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth can influence their life and provide insights into their character, behavior, relationships, and future events.


Vaastu Shastra, often referred to as simply Vaastu, is an ancient Indian architectural science that aims to harmonize and align the physical spaces with natural and cosmic energies. It focuses on creating a balance between the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—in order to enhance positive energy flow and promote well-being.

Vedic Remedies

Vedic remedies are prescribed to mitigate negative planetary influences and enhance positive energies in a person’s life. These remedies are believed to help individuals navigate challenging situations, overcome obstacles, and improve overall well-being. They are based on the principles of karma, faith, and intention.

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