Astrology Services

Accurate, Trusted & Professional Predictions

For Personal, Business, Financial, Health, and Spiritual Concerns

With Your Astrologer

Rupak Ghosh


Astrology Consultations

Through careful analysis of cosmic influences, Vedic Astrology helps you realistically evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to grow and thrive.

Book a 45 minute session to consult live from the comfort of your own home with our Astrologer and get clarity on your most pertinent questions.

Consult Live for different areas affecting your life.

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Astrology Reading E-Reports

Through careful analysis of cosmic influences, Vedic Astrology helps you realistically evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to grow and thrive.

Get detailed reports emailed to you based on your personal situation and personal details and get clarity on your most pertinent questions.

Get readings for different areas affecting your life.

For details click on the button below.

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Astrology Consultations

Astrology Readings E-Reports

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