How We Work

How Vedic Astrology Works

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is a traditional system of astrology rooted in ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas. It is based on the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth can influence their life and provide insights into their character, behavior, relationships, and future events.

Here are the key principles and components of Vedic astrology:

  1. Birth Chart (Kundli): Vedic astrology starts by creating a birth chart or Kundli, which is a map of the positions of celestial bodies at the exact time, date, and place of a person’s birth. The birth chart is divided into twelve houses, representing different aspects of life.

  2. Planets (Grahas): Vedic astrology considers nine planets, including the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu (North Node of the Moon), and Ketu (South Node of the Moon). Each planet is associated with specific qualities, energies, and influences.

  3. Zodiac Signs (Rashis): The birth chart is also divided into twelve zodiac signs or Rashis, which represent different personality traits and characteristics. The zodiac signs are based on the position of the Sun at the time of birth.

  4. Houses (Bhavas): Each house in the birth chart corresponds to a specific area of life, such as career, relationships, wealth, health, etc. The placement of planets in different houses can provide insights into the various aspects of a person’s life.

  5. Dashas and Transits: Vedic astrology utilizes planetary periods called Dashas, which indicate the changing influences of the planets over time. These Dashas, combined with the ongoing transits of planets, are used to analyze and predict future events and trends in a person’s life.

Astrologers interpret the birth chart and analyze the positions, relationships, and aspects of planets to provide insights and predictions. They consider various factors such as planetary strength, planetary aspects, conjunctions, and the influence of houses to provide a holistic understanding of an individual’s life and potential future outcomes.

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How Vaastu Works

Vaastu Shastra, often referred to as simply Vaastu, is an ancient Indian architectural science that aims to harmonize and align the physical spaces with natural and cosmic energies. It focuses on creating a balance between the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—in order to enhance positive energy flow and promote well-being.


Here are the key principles and concepts of Vaastu:

  1. Site Selection: Vaastu emphasizes selecting an appropriate site for construction. Factors such as soil quality, shape of the land, surrounding environment, and natural elements are taken into consideration.

  2. Layout and Design: The design and layout of a building should follow certain principles to optimize energy flow. These include the positioning of rooms, doors, windows, and other architectural elements to facilitate a harmonious flow of energy.

  3. Directions and Orientation: Vaastu assigns specific importance to the orientation of a building. The cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West) and their sub-directions are considered significant, and the positioning of rooms and entrances is based on these directions.

  4. Five Elements: The balance and integration of the five elements play a crucial role in Vaastu. Different areas of a building are associated with specific elements, and their proper placement is believed to positively influence the occupants.

  5. Energy Centers: Vaastu identifies certain energy centers within a building, such as the Brahmasthan (central area), which is considered the most sacred and powerful. The proper positioning and allocation of functions within these energy centers are believed to enhance positivity and well-being.

  6. Colors and Materials: Vaastu suggests using specific colors and materials in interior design to create a harmonious environment. Colors are associated with different elements, and selecting appropriate hues is believed to have an impact on the energy flow.

  7. Remedies: Vaastu offers remedies and corrections to mitigate any imbalances or negative energies present in a building. These may include the use of specific symbols, placement of mirrors, or performing rituals to rectify Vaastu defects.

It’s important to note that Vaastu is a traditional belief system. While some people attribute positive experiences to following Vaastu principles, it’s also essential to consider personal preferences, functionality, and practicality when designing and constructing buildings.



How Vedic Remedies Work

In Vedic astrology, remedies are prescribed to mitigate negative planetary influences and enhance positive energies in a person’s life. These remedies are believed to help individuals navigate challenging situations, overcome obstacles, and improve overall well-being. While the effectiveness of these remedies is a matter of personal belief, they are based on the principles of karma, faith, and intention. Here are some commonly practiced Vedic remedies:

  1. Mantras: Chanting specific mantras associated with particular planets or deities is a common remedial practice. The repetition of these sacred sounds is believed to invoke positive vibrations and align one’s energy with the desired outcome.

  2. Gemstone Therapy: Wearing gemstones associated with beneficial planets is thought to enhance their positive influences and counteract negative planetary energies. Each gemstone is believed to carry specific vibrations and properties that align with the corresponding planet.

  3. Yantras: Yantras are geometric diagrams or symbols representing deities or planetary energies. These intricate designs are used for meditation, focus, and to attract positive energies. By using yantras, individuals seek to harmonize and amplify specific qualities associated with the respective deity or planet.

  4. Vedic Rituals and Puja: Performing rituals, such as fire ceremonies (homa or yagna), specific pujas (worship ceremonies), or offerings to deities, is believed to appease the planetary influences and seek divine blessings. These rituals are conducted with faith and reverence to invoke positive energies and alleviate negative influences.

  5. Charity and Donations: Engaging in acts of charity and donating to those in need is considered an auspicious practice in Vedic remedies. This selfless act is believed to generate positive karma, promote compassion, and alleviate the effects of negative planetary influences.

  6. Fasting and Observances: Temporarily abstaining from certain foods or activities on specific days associated with particular planets is believed to appease those planetary energies. This practice is believed to purify one’s body, mind, and spirit and promote positive influences.

  7. Vedic Astrology Consultation: Seeking guidance from a Vedic astrologer is common when it comes to remedies. An astrologer analyzes an individual’s birth chart and provides personalized remedies based on the specific planetary influences affecting their life.

It’s important to remember that Vedic remedies are not meant to be a substitute for proactive action and personal responsibility. They are considered supplementary practices aimed at enhancing positive energies and managing challenges. Individual beliefs and experiences may vary, and it’s up to each person to determine their faith and engagement with these remedies.

Our Way Of Working for Astrology Consultations

  • Enter Your Birth Details

    Your Birth Details such as birthdate and location are important for creating and analyzing your birth chart and for understanding the current planetary influences, dashas, and doshas.

  • Select time to talk

    Book the appropriate time to have the online consultation.

  • Select the Astrological Consultation desired

    Specify your queries and primary area of concern you want to discuss. This will help us prepare for the discussion.

  • Pay for your consultation

    Pay for the consultation in advance via specified methods.

  • Speak to our Astrologer

    You can speak to the astrologer as per the arranged time via Watsapp or Zoom.

Our Way Of Working for Astrology Readings

  • Enter Your Birth Details

    Your Birth Details such as birthdate and location are important for creating and analyzing your birth chart and for understanding the current planetary influences, dashas, and doshas.

  • Enter Your Contact Details

    Enter your email and Watsapp phone number so that we can send you the reading once it is prepared.

  • Select the Astrological Reading Reports desired

    Specify your queries and primary area of concern you want to discuss. This will help us prepare for the discussion.

  • Pay for your reading Report

    Pay for the consultation in advance via specified methods.

  • Receive Your E-Report

    Our Astrologer and Vaastu Consultant will send you the E-Report to your Email and Watsapp.

Our Way Of Working for Vaastu Consultations

  • Enter Your Birth Details

    Your Birth Details such as birthdate and location are important for creating and analyzing your birth chart and for understanding the current planetary influences, dashas, and doshas.

  • Select time to talk

    Book the appropriate time to have the online consultation.

  • Select the Vaastu Consultation desired

    Specify your queries and primary area of concern you want to discuss. This will help us prepare for the discussion.

  • Pay for your consultation

    Pay for the consultation in advance via specified methods.

  • Speak to our Astrologer

    You can speak to the astrologer as per the arranged time via Watsapp or Zoom.

Our Way Of Working for Vaastu Readings

  • Enter Your Birth Details

    Your Birth Details such as birthdate and location are important for creating and analyzing your birth chart and for understanding the current planetary influences, dashas, and doshas.

  • Enter Your Contact Details

    Enter your email and Watsapp phone number so that we can send you the reading once it is prepared.

  • Select the Vaastu Reading desired

    Specify your queries and primary area of concern you want to discuss. This will help us prepare for the discussion.

  • Pay for your Vaastu Reading

    Pay for the consultation in advance via specified methods.

  • Receive the E-Report

    Our Astrologer and Vaastu Consultant will send you the E-Report to your Email and Watsapp.

Our Way Of Working for Vedic Remedies

Our Way of Working utilizes the following steps:

1. Initial Consultation

In the initial consultation, we will understand the different issues the client faces. These issues are the symptoms of an underlying problem that will need to be resolved. In this initial consultation, we may also look into the astrological charts, vastu situation, and use other vedic tools to understand the causing problem and its impact on the issues faced.

2. Communicating the problem

Once the symptoms are properly understood, we will then do the analysis to understand the problem that is creating these issues. We will then come up with recommended remedies.  This will be communicated to the client.

3. Order the remedy

Once the client has understood the problem, and has agreed on a proposed remedy, we will ask the client to order the remedy through our online shop.

4. Creating the remedy

When the client has purchased the required remedy, we will proceed to create the remedy specifically for problem faced by that particular client. 

Each remedy is specific to the client, and their personal situation including their date of birth, place of birth, current date, and current place of residence.

5. Receiving the remedy

Instructions on how to receive the remedy will be communicated with the client. If the remedy is written and is in the form of a sheet of paper, it will be emailed the client with instructions on how to best use it.

For remedies that are physical objects, the method of delivering it to the client will be discussed, and sent with a courier company to ensure that it reaches the client and is not misplaced or misused.

6. Using the remedy

Detailed instructions on how to use each remedy, its duration of use, constraints, and precautions specific to each client will be communicated to the client.

How To Use

There are different ways to use and carry the vedic remedies that are made by Astrofable. The way to carry  depends directly on the purpose for which the remedy was created.



In most cases, the remedy is a small piece of document. It can be rolled into a scroll and placed in a small container. The small container can be a cloth bag, or a metal pocket. Depending on the situation for which the remedy was created, this container can be located in a pocket or purse, be worn as a necklace, be placed in a bedroom or be concealed in the home or workplace.


Sometimes the remedy should not be rolled, but simply placed into a small paper or plastic envelope in a flat state. Sometimes it can be a large piece of parchment with a text that should be hung on a wall.There are remedies that are not allowed to be carried out of the house, and conversely, some that are not allowed to be kept at home. There are some types of remedies, where the text is present on paper, and it should be washed with  a particular type of liquid as part of the initiation of use, and there are other remedies that should be buried in the ground or burnt in a special way.


Again, it all depends on each specific situation. Detailed instructions which explain how to carry and/or use the remedy are prepared individually for each particular client.


Size of a payment

Prices can vary widely. Size of a payment depends on particular conditions in each given case .

Reasons to pay

Work should be paid. That is, preparation of a remedy is a work that involves very specific skills and knowledge. And the process itself demands colossal physical and mental efforts with maximum concentration on the remedy’s success and not on routine needs. Awareness that his labor and time have been fairly compensated, allows the healer to concentrate on the work to the utmost.

When payment should be done?

Payment must be completed before work gets started.

Acceptable type of payment

Online payments is the main payment method accepted at the present time. Alternative ways of payment, such as credit card or direct bank transfer (also known as wire transfer) can be discussed privately in exceptional cases.


Vedic Remedies from Astro Fable, if handled properly and if all attached instructions are followed, will deliver maximum possible positive influence and support to the owner.

However if the client is not satisfied with the remedies or with its influence, the cost will be refunded to the client.

Warranty period and refund conditions can be vary from case to case and must be described in the purchase agreement.

The chain of positive spiritual forces might be discontinued by the act of the refund. As a consequence, all results, visible and invisible, obtained with the remedy’s help, can become cancelled.


  • Remedies & Amulets are NOT a replacement for professional services or consultations.
  • Remedies & Amulets are NOT a replacement for real life actions and efforts that must be undertaken in accordance with a situation.
  • Remedies & Amulets operate as a supplement to actual, relevant behavior.
  • Amulet should NOT be purchased if there are any doubts or if there is no necessity for it.
  • Anyone who purchases a remedy or an Amulet must do this at his/her own will.
  • Anyone who purchases a rRemedy or an Amulet takes on him/her full responsibility for any consequences of using the same.
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