Vaastu Services

Accurate, Trusted & Professional Predictions

For Personal, Business, Financial, Health, and Spiritual Concerns

With Your Astrologer

Rupak Ghosh


Vaastu Consultations

During a Vaastu consulting session, we assess the layout, design, and energy flow of a building, whether it is a residential, commercial, or institutional space. The goal is to identify any imbalances or disharmonies that may be present and give recommendations for remedial measures to enhance the positive energy and rectify any negative influences.

The Vaastu consulting process involves an initial assessment of the property, followed by an energy flow analysis. We then give recommendations for correction, elemental balancing, and remedial measures. It is a collaborative process between our Vaastu expert and you.

Book a 45 minute session to consult live from the comfort of your own home with our Vaastu Expert and get clarity on your most pertinent questions.

Consult Live for different areas affecting property.

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Vaastu Reading E-Reports

Vaastu reports are comprehensive assessments of a building's design and energy flow based on the principles of Vaastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science. These reports provide detailed information about the Vaastu aspects of a space, helping individuals understand the energetic dynamics and potential influences on their lives.

Vaastu reports are a valuable tool to understand and optimize the energetic aspects of living or working spaces.They include Site Analysis, a Floor Plan Evaluation, Directional Analysis, Energy Flow Assessment, Recommendations, and Remedial Measures.

Get detailed reports emailed to you based on your personal situation and personal details and get clarity on your most pertinent questions.

Get readings for different areas affecting your life.

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