Vedic Remedies

Accurate, Trusted & Professional Predictions

For Personal, Business, Financial, Health, and Spiritual Concerns

With Your Astrologer

Rupak Ghosh


Remedies Consultations

During a Vedic remedy consultation, the astrologer analyzes your birth chart, and provides insights on remedies into various aspects of your life, including health, career, relationships, and overall well-being.

Book a 45 minute session to consult live from the comfort of your own home with our Astrologer and get clarity on your most pertinent questions.

Consult Live for different areas affecting your life.

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Vedic astrology gemstone remedies are an integral part of Vedic astrology, Gemstones are believed to carry specific energies that can be utilized to counteract negative influences or enhance positive qualities in an individual's life.

The process of gemstone remedies begins with the analysis of your birth chart to identify the positions and influences of the planets at the time of their birth. Based on this analysis, the astrologer recommends a gemstone or combination of gemstones that can help mitigate or enhance the planetary energies affecting you.

Rosaries (Malas)

Malas or rosaries, are used in Vedic remedies for healing, protection, spiritual practice and meditation. The choice of the mala can vary depending on the specific purpose or planetary influence being addressed.

The regular practice of using malas helps in centering the mind, promoting focus, and deepening one's spiritual connection. It creates a sense of calmness, balance, and harmony. Moving the beads and chanting the mantra facilitates a meditative state, allowing you to transcend the ordinary and connect with higher realms of consciousness.


Through careful analysis of cosmic influences, Vedic Astrology helps you realistically evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to grow and thrive.

Book a 45 minute session to consult live from the comfort of your own home with our Astrologer and get clarity on your most pertinent questions.

Consult Live for different areas affecting your life.

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Mantras can be recited aloud, whispered, or repeated mentally. Each mantra has its own unique sound and meaning, and they are often derived from ancient scriptures and spiritual traditions. Mantras can be used for various purposes, such as spiritual upliftment, healing, protection, manifestation, and connecting with specific deities or cosmic energies.

To get the relevant Mantra remedies, get a Vedic Remedy Consultation.

For details on all Mantras, click the button below.


Vedic Yantras possess protective energies used for spiritual and energetic protection in various traditions.

First select a Yantra specifically designed for protection. Various Yantras are associated with different deities and cosmic energies that offer protective qualities.

Next, activate and imbibe it with the intended protective energies. This is done through a consecration process involving prayers, rituals, and mantras.

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Vedic Remedies Consultations


Rosaries (Malas)




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